Time Beings

The closer I look, the more I connect with Time Beings that exist in worlds within our world. Autocosmologies abound in these microcosms. Wonders to behold.

Time Beings is a biophilic art project with still and moving image artwork with accompanying sound art. Images made with phytogram prints of flower petals collected from Collepino, Umbria, Italy during the Spring of 2023. Sound montage made with recordings from the same area during the same time period; they include a tree creaking in the wind, bird song, water, breathing, heartbeats, butterfly wings flapping in flight, a bass playing in the distance.

Group exhibition in Milan showing Time Beings (September 1-3, 2023)

Into Being, still image phytogram prints, digital media art, 2023

Watching You Watching Me, still image phytogram prints, digital media art, 2023

The Bloom, still image phytogram prints, digital media art, 2023

Star Matters, still image phytogram prints, digital media art, 2023

Twin Souls, still image phytogram prints, digital media art, 2023

This short slideshow is a process piece for the still and moving image artwork titled Time Beings. You are looking at the original phytogram prints without imposed bilateral symmetry made with flower petals collected in Collepino, Umbria, Italy in 2023. I see worlds within our world. Some look like celetial bodies and some like they are from the deep sea. They gave me the idea to add bilateral symmetry, knowing this would bring forth the ones who call those worlds home.